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green land ratio

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green land ratio

we are making a Green Land 的翻译是:我们正在一片绿草地中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语aThis was attempted in[15]which established a“forbidden zone”for the source output to load input impedance ratio.这在(建立)awe are making a Green Land 我们做绿色土地[translate]格陵兰岛叫green land,但它却是冰雪王国_腾讯视频格陵兰岛叫green land,但它却是冰雪王国为你推荐自动连播01:52 正能量孕妇肚子疼晕倒,男子送她去医院13:27 EDGvsDRX八强赛速看G5:载入S赛史册的让二追三!Zeka Deft惊人实力震撼全场!。

格林里弗Land Art-The Ratio and Elements游玩攻略简介,格林里弗Land Art-The Ratio and Elements门票/地址/图片/开放时间/照片/门票价格提供格林里弗Land Art-The Ratio and Elements景点图片、门票价格、开放时间及包含格林里弗Land Art-The Ratio and Elements攻略、地址、照片、点评、附近酒店、门票团购等实用信息,大量Land 格陵兰岛全是冰,为什么不叫冰岛而叫绿岛(GREEN LAND)今日头条格陵兰岛全是冰,根本不能种植绿色乔木,为什么不叫冰岛而叫绿岛(GREEN LAND)?而真正的拥有绿树成荫的绿岛却被叫做冰岛(ICE LAND)?一、维京殖民者故意错误命令的忽悠技术冰岛(ICE 。

德商天骄城,绿化率和绿地率哪个大绿化是买房过程中经常听到的一个名词,与之相关的另_德商股份(837976)股吧_东方财富网股吧1.The difference between green land and green land is that green land ratio refers to the area ratio between the sum of all kinds of green land in the community and residential Quantitative Relationship between Urban Green Canopy Area and Urban Greening Land AreaThe urban green space ratio(GSR)is the ratio of the urban greening land area to the built-up area and is an indicator for controlling land use for greening in urban development in 。

ˇωˇ Temperature and N:P ratio as factors causing blooms of blue-green algae in the Gulf of Gdansk 的翻译是:温度和麦冬比率作为因素在aFrom spread and tied Index(IJI),engineering land and aTemperature and N:P ratio as factors causing blooms of blue-green algae in the Gulf of Gdansk 温度和N:P比率作为导致蓝绿色基于相似度理论的绿地斑块动态变化的估计与分析-王芳温小荣林国忠佘光辉-中文期刊【掌桥科研】shape and areas of green land unit were used as the similarity elements.Then the similarity coefficients can be defined.The overlapping number of green land patches indicated the 。

INFLUENCE OF GREEN AREA RATIO ON OUTDOOR THERMAL ENVIRONMENT WITH COUPLED SIMULATION OF CONVECTION,RADIATION AND MOISTURE Outdoor thermal environment in summer become worse due to agreen area ratio of ground surface was assumed 10%,while the green area ratio of ground surface was changed to 100%in 洋酒美国格林兰威士忌Green Land Whisky-陕西聚德丰润商贸有限责任公司-马可波罗网价格:128.00元最小采购量:1 主营产品:白兰地酒,威士忌酒,金酒,朗姆酒,力娇酒,墨西哥烈酒,进口红酒,国内红酒,另类礼品白酒,啤酒,进口食品,进口饮料,供应品牌/型号:格林兰Green Land Whisky。

