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时间:2022-12-13 03:39 阅读数:6942人阅读

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╯0╰ 弟弟八岁生日快乐生日英文_百度知道怎么用英语表达女儿八岁生日?我亲爱的女儿,祝你生日快乐。你已经八岁了。It's my daughter' eighth birthday. daughter's eight years old birthday Daughter eight years old happy birthday My daughter is 8 years old。

她的八岁生日英语_芝士回答她的八岁生日Her eight years old birthday 她的八岁生日Her eight years old birthday Her eighth birthday, Her eight-year-old birthday玛丽8岁,今天是她8岁的生日英文怎么翻译_作业帮玛丽8岁,今天是她8岁的生日Mary were 8 years old,today is her birthday at the age of eight 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析。

怎么用英语表达女儿八岁生日-芝士回答我亲爱的女儿,祝你生日快乐。你已经八岁了。It's my daughter' eighth birthday. daughter's eight years old birthday Daughter eight years old happy birthday My daughter is 8 years old“八岁”的英文怎么写?“八岁”的英文:Eight years old 1、I am eight years old.我八岁了。2、The girl is almost eight years old.这女孩将近八岁了。3、I was eight years old when 他们的年龄是8岁,7岁和6岁。

∩▂∩ 我的宝贝八岁生日快乐翻译英文Tt is my baby's eight years old birthday,we love you.Happy birthday to you!Today is the birthday of 8 years of the baby,we love you.Happy birthday. We love you,happy birthday怎么用英语表达女儿八岁生日_百度知道Today is my daughter's eight-year-old birthday.。

