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>▽< challenge myself英语作文60词In a word,we selves are our enemies so that we have to challenge ourselves.Challenge yourself or you will be behind of others.All of first,you have to establish an aim,for you can 英语演讲作文on challenge 该怎么写?(急需)百度知道My view on challenge There is no consensus of opions among people as to the view of challenge.Some one believe that challenges make people who face it to be diligence while some other people think that challenges in ever increasing number in our society make our 。

\ _ / the challenge英语作文120字A half-blind and the deaf and mute Helen,if not strong challenge fate with the courage and confidence,it is impossible for the growth of world acclaimed scholars.Life will face a 急求一篇题为challenge in life的英语作文_百度知道Challenges are the hard moment in our life,be it a challenge in work,study or everyday life.They are just like the salt in bread.We need to face and take challenges to succeed and to live a happy life.People who diliberately shun challenges are doomed to be losers. 。

my challenge 英语作文Challenge to yourself,then challenge to all Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Today I'm very glad to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of challenge to 以“how to face the challenge”为题写一篇英语作文初中水平_百度知道[最佳答案]A half-blind and the deaf and mute Helen,if not strong challenge fate with the courage and confidence,it is impossible for the growth of world acclaimed scholars.Life will face a challenge to one,how do we face the challenge?If self-without fear,defiance and,ultimately,。

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英语作文:How to face the challenge?Avoid it or accept_百度知道作文,160词追答where is a will,where is a way.whatever tomorrow is,there is aways a left door for us. 已赞过已踩过你对这个回答的评价是?更多回答(1)推荐律师服务:若未解决您历年英语六级作文真题_英语六级作文范文_六级作文模板-可可英语2019年12月英语六级作文真题第3套:社区责任感2020-10-14 max 标签:六级写作范文]2019年12月英语六级作文真题第2套:家庭责任感2019年12月英语六级作文真题第2套:家庭责任感2020-。

