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时间:2022-12-07 20:06 阅读数:3121人阅读

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Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 中国数字经济发展规模全球领先China’s digital economy has been the second largest in the world for many years thanks to the rapid progress in information and communication infrastructure, digital consumption, and digital industries.数字基础设施全球领先,在“宽带中国”战略等重大政策推动下,高速宽带网络建设实现...



新闻播报(August 31)according to a briefing Monday on the progress of plant culture experiments in the country's space station. 8月29日,据中国空间站植物培养实验进展简报称,中国“问天”实验舱两株植物的种子已经发芽,目前状态良好。Seed samples of the two plants, Arabidopsis and rice, were installed in...


Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 促进人民精神生活共同富裕(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )促进人民精神生活共同富裕We will strive to achieve common prosperity also in a non-material sense促进共同富裕与促进人的全面发展是高度统一的。要强化社会主义核心...



Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 着力扩大中等收入群体规模(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )着力扩大中等收入群体规模We will strive to expand the size of the middle-income group要抓住重点、精准施策,推动更多低收入人群迈入中等收入行列。高校毕业生是有望...


Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 促进农民农村共同富裕(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )促进农民农村共同富裕We will bring common prosperity to rural areas and rural residents促进共同富裕,最艰巨最繁重的任务仍然在农村。农村共同富裕工作要抓紧,但不宜像...


Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 促进基本公共服务均等化(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )促进基本公共服务均等化We will promote equitable access to basic public services低收入群体是促进共同富裕的重点帮扶保障人群。要加大普惠性人力资本投入,有效减轻...


Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 加强对高收入的规范和调节(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )加强对高收入的规范和调节We will adopt more rigorous measures to regulate high income在依法保护合法收入的同时,要防止两极分化、消除分配不公。要合理调节过高收...




Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 提高发展的平衡性、协调性、包容性(Excerpts from “Making Solid Progress Toward Common Prosperity” by Xi Jinping, Qiushi Journal, No. 06, 2021 )提高发展的平衡性、协调性、包容性We will work to make our development more balanced, coordinated, and inclusive要加快完善社会主义市场经济体制,推动发展更平衡、...


Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 农村改革全面深化,城乡融合发展迈出坚实步伐(Excerpts from “Adhering to the Chinese Socialist Approach to Rural Revitalization” by Tang Renjian, Qiushi Journal, No. 03, 2022)农村改革全面深化,城乡融合发展迈出坚实步伐We have deepened all aspects of rural reform and made solid progress in integrated urban-rural developmen...



Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 农业现代化取得重大进展,农业综合生产能力迈...(Excerpts from “Adhering to the Chinese Socialist Approach to Rural Revitalization” by Tang Renjian, Qiushi Journal, No. 03, 2022)农业现代化取得重大进展,农业综合生产能力迈上新台阶We have made great progress in the modernization of agriculture and reached a new height in over...


